Dual swing gate installation in Plano - foundation repair

Swing gates' main problem is post bending towards the surface as a result of poor main post foundation, heavy gate weight, and ground movement.
In this project, our customer had problems with his dual swing gate; the left side was leaning heavily due to a weak foundation and a lack of support.
We begin the job by tearing down the existing dual swing gate and removing a portion of the pedestrian gate.
We cleaned up the area and began construction on the driveway expansion, where we installed the heavy strength main post, main post support, and pedestrian gate frame supports.
The two large posts, as well as the little posts, are connected by an additional horizontal post on the top of the pedestrian gate frame, which provides strength and is held by a concrete driveway extension.
The dual swing gate was replaced with a lighter materials, more open form that relieves pressure on the primary foundation and arms bracket.
For additional gate support, we equipped a magnetic lock that helps decrease the pressure caused by severe winds.

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